Last Winter, Wiliam Spencer (most known for the video Hollorado) stayed in Moreton at the Ilabaca Family House for a few weeks. During this time, there was a wealth of snow and ice so both Parkour and Skateboarding was difficult. It was cold, the days were short and we got bored. So we decided to make a movie. It was a simple enough concept, Danny and Will find a mysterious golden statue in the street. Suddenly, they find themselves pursued by a money-hungry gangster (Chris Ilabaca) and a Russian gymrat played by myself (Scott Bass) and their henchman (Rob Hooper, Alex Potts, Jack Cooper, Phil Doyle). Meanwhile, a Cop (Martin Tucker) and his Asian sidekick (Paul Chan) also hope to hunt down the statue for themselves. We filmed it all, more or less, myself and Antoine Dutilh shot the whole film. Literally, the entire thing. Action scenes, chase scenes, drama scenes, comedy, the entire thing. One scene Danny uses a rope for a glorious swing off a rooftop and around a lamp-post whilst kicking me out of the way, another where there is an all out brawl in a boiler room. We made what is more or less, an entire movie. And its all sitting on a tape somewhere in Dannys house. Unedited, Unfinished and probably never to be released to the world.