After many years of ‘coming someday’. Progression 5 came. I know, who would have thought eh? Well I’d been sitting on it in an unfinished project for so long, I sat down, collected my footage and put the video out. Looking back, I’m glad I waited. There aren’t many videos I make that I feel truly capture an emotion the way I want to, partially due to my own creative inadequacies, or perhaps due to my perfectionism. This video got it though, It really hits the feeling of being a part of a group of people, spread globally, that share adventure and life together. I’ve been blessed to be a part of the Parkour community and see and do the things I have, and making videos like this one is something I intend to always do, regardless of how I move into more and more professional endeavours. It’s important to always consider the community you grew from, and while this is the last of the progression videos, its by no means the last video from Ampisound. Not a chance!